React component for creating Rating stars

Creating a 5-star rating system in a React component is important for various reasons, especially when you want to gather user feedback or allow users to rate products, services, or content on your website or application. Here’s why it’s important and how to create such a system in React:

User Engagement and Feedback: A 5-star rating system provides a quick and intuitive way for users to express their opinions and preferences. It encourages user engagement by allowing them to easily provide feedback on products, services, or content.

Decision-Making Aid: For other users, the star ratings serve as a helpful reference when making decisions. They can quickly see the average rating and read reviews to determine the quality or popularity of items.

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How to install Numpy (Windows and Linux)

Installing NumPy is the same across all operating systems (Windows, Linux, and Mac) using pip, conda, or from the source. However, the commands used to execute the installation may vary slightly depending on the OS.

For example, using pip, the “pip install numpy” command is used in all operating systems, however, it needs to be executed in the command prompt in Windows and terminal in Linux and Mac. Similarly, using the conda “conda install numpy” command is used across all operating systems, and installing from the source needs downloading the source code and using the “python install” command.

In this blog post, I’ve provided multiple ways to install NumPy, which includes using pip, using conda, and using source code. Scroll down to have a step-by-step guide on each method.

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[solved] SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing

The Syntax error: unexpected EOF while parsing error means your code has reached the end block and you forgot to close the block of code due to which the code didn’t compile all the block codes.

When your python code doesn’t form a meaningful structure, mistakes in syntax or in a code block. At that moment this error will pop up, and your python source code doesn’t run as per your expectations.

The most common reason for this error is;

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How to decode JPEG pictures for hidden information

We often see pictures online and wonder if this picture is Photoshopped; one way to determine if the image is Photoshopped or not is using gut feelings but have every search for software that decodes the JPEG and gives you the source code. How can you make sure that the photo has not been processed or modified in any software?

how to decode a picture

JPEGsnoop is a free photo authenticity detection software that can read various coded information to help you determine if the pictures have not been edited or modified by software. 

When you encounter a suspicious photo, you can use it, and it will decode the image and spit out all the information about the picture. This software not only supports standard JPG format but also supports embedded photos in PDF, AVI, MOV, and other documents.

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How to Make a Game in C++ Visual Studio: Tic Tac Toe

The visual studio is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) mainly used to create various applications and chiefly gaming applications. This software provides its user with a comfortable environment to produce any game or application. 

It supports some built-in high-level programming languages like C, C++, and C#. Moreover, it also sustains other languages like python and java. Its free version, containing all the features, is also available on its website for programmers.


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C++ Snake Games with Source Code

You can develop Snake Game by using C++ code. Not only that, you can make 2D and 3D games in C++, for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iOS. It’s one of the knowledge for learning game development.

The C++ language is widely used in 2D and 3D game engines to create games. A number of scripting languages, including C++, are used in Godot and Unreal Engine. If you are interested, here are some C++ game projects for beginners.

Let’s learn some basic information regarding Snake Games in python without graphics. Initially, the snake game was developed in C++ language, and still, in advanced games, c++ game engines are used.

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Solution for IndexError: list index out of range in python

If you are new to python and wondering what is “IndexError: list index out of range“, here is the answer. This is a stupid bug in your program that happens when your application tries to access an index that does not exist.

Sometimes it’s very frustrating to figure out where this bug is happening in your program.

An IndexError exception is thrown when the program is trying to access a nonexistent index in a List, Tuple, or String

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Leetcode: Count Good Nodes in Binary Tree in Python

Count good nodes in a binary tree, according to LeatCode this is Microsoft’s most asked interview question of 2021 so far. 

I think it’s a pretty good problem to understand. A lot of basic Tree fundamental knowledge can be gained from this problem. 

So we’re given the root of a binary tree that is going to always be non-empty. We want to count the number of good nodes in the tree. 

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Leetcode 1: Two Sum problem – Multiple Solutions in Python

Two Sum problem is considered easy and is frequently asked in Amazon phone interviews. We will see how we can start with a brute force solution and try to improve the code by introducing more data structures.

Problem Statement: Given an array of integers nums and an integer target return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to target

Our aim will be to reduce time complexity and space complexity.

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Create Editable HTML table with source code

This post shows how to create an editable table in pure JavaScript and using the jQuery plugin. There are various features that you can add to the editable table, for example;

  • You can create a table to add/delete rows or columns
  • You can create an editable cell in the table
  • You can change the color of the cell on click
  • Hide row/column on mouse click
  • Get the content of the cell/row/column on mouse click
  • Adding checkboxes in the table

Let’s start and see some of these in working live demos

Editable cell in HTML table Using jquery

This jQuery code will make the cell editable on double-click. To use the code, simply add class to the table cell and put the above jQuery in the head.

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