20+ best C++ Compilers

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The term compiler can be defined as a translator that is produced and designed to translate high-level language into low-level language or machine language for the computer to understand and process to give the desired output.

A computer being a machine fails to understand what the human types, i.e. in the form of source code, known as the high-level language. To make the computer understand, there are compilers that translate the data into binary codes, i.e. 0 and 1. 

11 Best C++ Compilers 

1) Borland C++– It is a 90s compiler, designed to carry out simple editing tasks. It is now recognized as a successor to Turbo C++. This can be a perfect start for beginners, ideal for working with Microsoft Windows and MS-DOS. The best thing about this is that it holds a monopoly in the market.

2) Visual C++ compiler– It is a well-recognized compiler in the software industry. Designed with an aim to ease the development of Windows applications in 32-bit, It runs safely on a number of hardware and software. Offline and Online C++ Compilers

3) Digital Mars– It is an alternate compiler to Symantec C++ that supports programs that are to be designed and developed for Windows, MSDOS, Win32, an extension for MSDOS, and Windows 3.1. Its major feature includes supporting nested types, templates, exception handling, runtime type identification, etc.  The compiler is known as the pioneer of programming that can help overcome some of the pitfalls in c and c++. 

4) MinGW– Attributed as “Minimalist GNU for Windows” it is among the list of compilers that offers a minimalist development environment to developers. It can be referred to as the easiest one so can be a good choice for beginners to C++ for the development of native Windows applications.

5) Embarcadero Compiler– This is an open-source compiler, produced with an aim to satisfy commercial needs. Being a suitable platform for Android, Windows, and IOS, its core feature includes supporting language extensions, good UI designs, and libraries.

6) Dev c++– It is equipped with the core feature of editing and compiling resource files. Having developed as a combination of GCC and Cygwin port, it is up with an open-source environment for the software developers. Hence, a preferable choice for beginners. The best part about this compiler is it is installed and executed on a flash drive, making it a fully-featured compiler.

7) Intel C++– A preferable choice of software developers, this compiler is produced by Intel Corporation for working with Windows, Linux, and other application development.

8) Clang C Family Compiler– This compiler is up with a BSD license in the market, faster and reduced memory adapted.

9) Codepad Online C++ Compiler– It’s a simple collaboration tool that serves to compile and interpret source codes online. It works by having the code pasted in the code area, making the developer select the suitable programming language (appearing in the left panel), and submitting it to start the tool.

10) GCC– This compiler can be used by Windows users, Android, IOS, and Unix users. Being a free tool, it is widely consumed, evidence being Linux Kernal- the noticeable project.

11) Open Source Watcom– This open-source and free-of-cost compiler serves to generate code for Windows, MSDOS, and OS. Years ago, this has been one of the highly coveted compilers with a STLport, i.e. Standard template library.

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With 10+ years in software engineering, I specialize in blogging and web development. My skills span front-end, back-end, database design, web security, and SEO. Passionate about crafting helpful digital experiences.

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