[Multiple Methods] How to Install PyCharm on Ubuntu

The first IDE I used for Python programming was PyCharm Community Edition with Windows and Mac. Recently I installed Ubuntu to play around and had to move my Python code to Ubuntu. I set up PyCharm Community Edition on Ubuntu because I was familiar with the environment.

If you are a beginner and confused about what IDE you should be using for Python, read our IDE comparison article. If you are an android user and looking for Python IDE for android, read the article.

In this article, we will go through the installation process, which is a bit different from other operating systems.

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Top 15 HTML5 game engines for HTML5 programmers

A gaming engine is a developed software used by people to create video games. Gaming engines have multiple functions and features such as scripting languages, sounds, and different controls. 

Gaming engines are not that difficult to use and they are an effective method to make video games.

 As far as beginners are concerned, using programming languages is advised but it can sometimes be complicated. 

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9 HTML5 Classic Games Templates for Beginner Programmers: 2021

Gaming templates are essentially covers that can be matched to the e-learning units. This helps in providing content for different types of games.

Whether you’re finding something for your website or learning how to flesh out your own idea, you can clearly see how diverse HTML5 and JavaScript game templates can be.

The framework is laid including different features such as animation. You won’t have to start from scratch if you decide to use a gaming template to work with.

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8 Best C++ game engines for programmers

There are different people all around the world some prefer playing games while some prefer developing games, you’re one of the people who find pleasure and excitement in developing games then you’re in the right place.

Many programmers prefer C++ over other existing languages in the gaming industry. If you want to create or develop the best, you have to choose the best as well.

A fitting gaming engine will pave your way to success. Choosing a gaming engine is the first and most crucial step towards developing a game.

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16 Fun Python Projects for Beginners and Intermediate programmers

Building python projects is the best way to check the limits of your python programming skills. And to encourage developers to initiate this practical  approach, we’re going to list some fun python projects. As a python programmer, you will find amusement in these projects; along the way, you will see an immense amount of increment in your python knowledge developing them.

16 Best Python projects for Fun

These are the top fun python projects for every level of python programmer.

Stories generator

Starting out with this fun python project that will generate random stories for you. Put name, action, and things like hypothetical situations. And, let this project create an exciting story for you. Although the short story will not become your assist on kindle, it’s generally a good way to gain some practical knowledge.

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Library Management System Project Design [Step by Step]

A school library management project is a venture that oversees and stores books and their data electronically as indicated by understudies needs and requirements.

The framework helps the two understudies and library supervisor to keep a steady track of the multitude of books accessible in the library.

It permits both the administrator and the understudy to look for the ideal book. It gets vital for schools to keep a ceaseless beware of the books given and returned and even figure out the fines after seeing their condition.

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Computer science projects ideas to build in 2021

In 2021, where most of our studies are pushed towards computer science, it includes coding, data science, network information security, algorithm, storage and system management, mobile and web development.

10 Computer science projects ideas to build in 2021

These are some hand-picked computer science projects that you should develop if you are a computer science student, whether a beginner or final year student, building these projects will be great fun.

They will help you polish your skills and open up new job opportunities in your software development career.

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How to list All files in a directory in Python

If you are working with files and directories in Python, sometimes you ask these question:

  • What is the best way to list all files and directories in Python
  • How can I add all the files in a List in Python
  • How can I add all the directories in a List in Python
  • How to visit all the files in a directory in Python

Here I’ll show some example that answers above questions.

List all files and directories in Python

You can use os.listdir(), if you want to list all the files and directories. This function is very useful and efficient. It will give you everything that is in the directory (including files and directories). This function even includes hidden files and files with only extnsion and no filenames. Here is a syntax to use os.listdir().

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List of Best SQL Project Ideas for Beginners

SQL represents Structured Query Language. An inquiry language is a sort of programming language that is intended to encourage recovering explicit data from information bases, and that is actually what SQL does. To lay it out plainly, SQL is the language of information bases.

Most organizations and companies store their information in data sets. And keeping in mind that there are numerous kinds of information bases (like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server), the greater part of them utilize SQL, so whenever you have SQL essentials added to your repertoire, you’ll have the option to work with any of them. Regardless of whether you’re wanting to do your investigation with any language like Python, at most organizations, odds are you’ll have to utilize SQL to recover the information you need from the organization’s information base. So it is very important to know the basic sql projects and incorporate these to succeed.

Importance of SQL

SQL permits clients to comprehend and break down the information bases, which incorporate the information fields in their tables. We should take any enormous association having heaps of information for instance. Information bases put together and store each one of that information, yet the data must be important and available. Here, SQL comes in – it turns into a stage related with both front-end and back-end information bases (PCs and information bases hung on workers).

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How to install and configure Visual Studio Code

In this tutorial, I want to show you how to install and configure Visual Studio Code. In Linux, the program can be installed in several ways, and I will describe three of them below.

Visual studio Code is very light weight IDE and can be configured for many programming languages. In this article, we will see how we can configure Visual Studio Code for frontend developers.

What is Visual Studio Code?

Visual Studio Code, or simply VS Code, is a free, popular and add-on text editor primarily designed for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications.

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