Table of Contents
- C++ Projects for Engineering Students
- 1. Designing a scientific calculator
- 2. Designing a basic Application
- 3. Making A Dictionary
- 4. Making a Registration system for users
- 5. Developing an Algebra Library
- 6. Developing a rental system
- 7. Vehicle reservation system
- 8. Creating a Data recording system
- 9. Creating a Modern Periodic Table
- 10. Developing a shooting Game
- 11. Developing a Bookshop inventory
- 12. Credit Card Validation System
- 13. Writing compiler and interpreter
- 14. Report Management System
- 15. Developing a text editor
- Concluding Words
There is a lot to do with the C++ programming language when you are in your learning zone and are finding ideas to get started with your first ever c++ project. Nothing but a real-time fact is that you can’t get over any skill without practicing.
And for practicing this highly practice-demanding programming language, you as an engineer or student may be searching for some best c++ project ideas for engineering students. Here we got you.
Here are some best C++ project ideas for students that you can easily try to develop as an engineering student or internet.
Here is another post that talks about game development projects using C++.
C++ Projects for Engineering Students
1. Designing a scientific calculator
A calculator is the basic need of every engineer and student. So it’s not a bad idea to start practicing your C++ learning by designing and developing a scientific calculator that can help accomplish every function regarding calculations.
Project 1: Scientific Calculator with Keypad / Project 2: Scientific Calculator in pure C++
2. Designing a basic Application
C++ can be used to develop a basic application of any sort. If you are a beginner and looking for some very basic projects to start working on; application development is a great idea.
However, if you want to do it on the advanced level then make use of .net or SQL in combination with C++ to develop applications of somehow advanced level.
Project 1: Simple-Web-Server in C++ / Project2: simple-mail Application in C++
3. Making A Dictionary
Online or offline dictionaries are now used in common. You can try to create such a dictionary of any language using the C++ programming language. The dictionary would have a database and will show the meanings of each word entered by the user.
Similarly, if the meaning of a particular word is not found in the dictionary it will say something like ‘meaning not found.’
Project 1: SanDic Sanskrit to English Dictionary / project 2: Olam : Project Dictionary in C++ with GUI
4. Making a Registration system for users
You can create a registration system for users that will ask users about their usernames and password to get registered successfully.
A user file will be created with all the credentials of that user. After registration, the user will be able to log in to the particular system very easily. This project will teach you more about file management systems in C++.
Project 1: Kinect-Registration for Linux in C++ / Project 2: Vaccination Registartion System in C++
5. Developing an Algebra Library
This project might be too interesting for some and so boring for the rest. The reason is that we all are not too algebra-loving students.
Still, if you fall in the former category try making an algebra library with some basic algebraic operations at first, extending it to more linear operations at an advanced level. It would be a great thing to practice on and a great help for other students too.
Advanced project: Terathon-Math-Library in C++ / Project 2: Basic Linear Algebra in C++
6. Developing a rental system
Developing a rental system with the help of C++ is nowadays very common. But if you are just starting out your C++ practice then it’s a very good project to opt out of many.
You can develop a rental system for cars, bikes, and other automobiles and with this, you will learn much more about the C++ login system. With this, you also have a chance to learn and understand the basics of date-time functions and keyboard events.
Project 1: Car Rental System Using C++ / Project 2: CarRentalSystem with GUI in C++
7. Vehicle reservation system
By using the same lines mentioned above, you can easily create a vehicle reservation system. By this, I mean to say that you can create a system in which users can easily reserve a local vehicle or ride for their travel.
For example, if someone has to travel by train, he will use your created system and reserve a seat for himself. Similarly, the system can also be developed as a bus reservation system by utilizing the same method.
Project 1: Bus Reservation and Management System in C++ / Project 2: Vehicle Reservation System Demo in C++
8. Creating a Data recording system
You can create a data recording system as used by firms or companies to record all the necessary information of their employees and workers. The system will be able to save names phone numbers, email addresses, residential addresses, pay rates, and much more.
This can be a good C++ project for engineering students that can assist them in getting a grip on some most basic concepts of the C++ language.
Project 1: Crowdsourcing Visual Positioning System in C++ / Project 2: System Data Recorder in C++
9. Creating a Modern Periodic Table
Creating a modern periodic table is an easy option for beginners. Using C++ create a periodic table as your first project and believe me it would be fun. There can be options for clicking the name of elements and it will give the whole information about that element.
Suppose the user will click on Hydrogen and it will display the atomic number, atomic mass, position in the periodic table, and origin of the Hydrogen element. This project of yours can save many students from spending hours learning it.
Project 1: Modern Periodic Table in C++ / Project 2: Modern Periodic Table Quiz in C++
10. Developing a shooting Game
If you are a gamer or have some interest in this area, try to develop a shooting game. It can be something like shooting on a particular spot and earning points or any other criteria of shooting and winning points.
For this, you can use the OpenGL library and seek templates that you think will be perfect for your project, see Games coded in C++.
Project 1: Teeworlds: Free Online Multiplayer Game in C++ / Project 2: Shooting-Game in C++
11. Developing a Bookshop inventory
You can design a bookshop inventory system that will keep a record of the number of books in your store and will alert you when someone bought a book.
You can adjust codes to add Book IDs to make searches based on that Book IDs. Similarly, you can build inventory for any other product besides books.
Project 1: Bookshop-Inventory-System in C++ / Project 2: Book Shop Inventory in C++
12. Credit Card Validation System
As a C++ student, you can create a credit card validation system for all types of credit cards including visa, debit, and master cards.
You will use Luhn’s algorithm for creating this project and I am quite sure it will be a rocking program as e-commerce is at its peak and all e-commerce transactions require validation of credit cards.
Project 1: Credit Card Validator in C++ / Project 2: Credit-Card-Validation-System in C++
13. Writing compiler and interpreter
You can write a compiler or interpreter for small programming languages like C using C++. This could be the easiest project you can work on as a C++ student.
Project 1: Minilang Interpreter in C++ / Project 2: Computer-Languages in C++
14. Report Management System
Create a report management system for students or for workers in a company. Your created program or system will save data of each student or worker and calculate their remarks, percentages, or working qualities and marks depending on the parameter you will insert in the program while coding.
This project is great to learn the basics of input and output streams and the system for file management.
Project 1: Report Card Management System in C++ / Project 2: Student Report Card Management in C++
15. Developing a text editor
You can create a text editor like MS word that allows users to write and edit their texts as per their requirements and desire. The text editor is a basic requirement of every phone and the project is best to create as a student.
Project 1: ImGuiColorTextEdit in C++ with GUI / Project 2: Simple Text-Editor with GUI in C++
Concluding Words
All in all, we have tried to jot down some most basic, and fun projects that you will enjoy creating as a beginner of C++ without any hassle. Pick any of the ideas that interest you the most and start working on them right away.
Don’t forget to tell us which project you found the most interesting. Let us know if still you are stuck anywhere.